Mars Rover Team


Our Mission

The mission of the Hopkinauts Mars Rover Team is to design and build a Mars rover, a space vehicle suited to traverse across Mars’ terrain, collect soil samples, conduct tasks using a robotic arm, and more. The team will offer practical engineering and science education and soft skills to students at Johns Hopkins University.

Members Benefits

Members of the Mars Rover Team will be able to participate in the University Rover Challenge (URC), the premier rover competition for universities around the world. To prepare for URC, members will gain experience in hands-on skills, such as manufacturing, conducting wet lab experiments, programming with ROS, and designing communication protocols. This multidisciplinary group allows members to connect and collaborate with students from different majors. Those in the club will learn from and teach other members, creating well-rounded engineers and scientists who will be better prepared for their work after college. Members will also learn about space sciences and space engineering.

The Subteams


Creates chemical test procedures, finds methods to "detect life" in soil samples, learns how to analyze rocks and fossils, and uses a spectrometer to analyze test data


Designs wiring diagrams, chooses and programs communication protocols for on and off the rover, chooses electrical devices, and controls the power on the rover


Designs and builds the rover's base, arm, gripper, wheels, testing equipment, drill system, and mechanism to conduct on-board chemical tests and analyses


Programs the rover's motors, sensors, and cameras, learns ROS, and develops a system for the rover to travel autonomously


Organizes the club's finances, contacts local and national companies for sponsorships, plans fundraisers on campus, creates social media posts, and hosts club's social events

Join the team and get involved in a cool engineering project!

Become a member on Hopkins Groups to learn more!

Follow our Instagram: hopkinsrover

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