Vertical Gardens

Vertical Gardens have become a creative way for people in urban environments to garden. However, vertical gardens have been around for thousands of years, dating back to 3000 BCE in the Mediterranean area. Grape vines were a popular food crop and were commonly grown in gardens. Some were planted for the purpose of growing food but others also provided shade.

Engineering Connections: When constructing a vertical garden, there are several important civil engineering factors to consider. You have to make sure that what you make can hold wet soil and is water resistant. It must also hold the weight of the plant and allow sunlight and water for the plant. Some environmental engineering factors to consider are making sure the environmental benefits outweigh the costs. Meaning, how to be most efficient with the materials you have. You have to try to build a vertical garden with recycled materials which also allow the plants to grow.

Design Challenge: What is the best design for a vertical garden made of only recycled materials? How can you limit the waste when designing?

Instructions: Use these materials to construct a vertical garden. Remember that the plants should have room to grow and your design should be water resistant. Also, take into account that your design will have to support the weight of the plant and the soil. You can use multiple bottles and cups to make a bigger garden, figure out how you can connect them.

Have fun!