Fall Re-Registration

Fall Re-Registration is hosted by the LEED office but requires additional steps for CSC groups. Completing Re-Registration is essential to access funding and HopkinsGroups in order to fulfill your service.

LEED Re-Registration Process

On HopkinsGroups, Submit Group Re-Registration, including CSC specific questions

On your group's homepage, select Group Re-Registration. Upload relevant information, guiding documents, roster of members, rick assessment and allocated budgets.

Have President and Treasurer complete RSO 101 and RSO Finance 101 Trainings

Through MyLearning, add RSO 101 and RSO Finance 101 as courses. Complete the courses and upload to HopkinsGroups your completion certificates.

Have two members attend a CSC 101 Training

At least two members of each student group must attend this two-hour, in-person training to best prepare for the school year. Information on CSC 101s can be found below

Confirm all components have been completed by letting your ARC Commissioenr know by  SEPTEMBER 30th BY 11:59PM

Ensure you begin the process early so that any issues that arise can be discussed with enough time to meet the re-registration deadline

For more information on LEED Re-Registration, click below