Kappa Alpha Theta Women's Fraternity

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Nearly 150 years ago, Kappa Alpha Theta was founded as the first Greek-letter fraternity for women. Our founders recognized dedication, intelligence, and commitment in one another, and they also understood the potential of the college women who would follow in their footsteps. They were leading the way for women in higher education. In the decades since then, Theta has continued to be recognized as a leading womenÔÇÖs group. Our ideas and programs have often been on the cutting edgeÔÇöas individuals and as chapters, we are known for leading in our communities and on our campuses. We understand that leadership is not an office held or a title conferred. We know that every Theta has the capacity to create positive change in herself, in her chapter, in her Fraternity, and in the world. Being a Theta leads women into a life of friends, experiences, and goals that she might not have had otherwise. Being a Theta leads a woman to personal excellence, offering her ways to become her best self. We are Kappa Alpha Theta. We are leading women.









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Casey Brody Profile

Casey Brody

Vice President Administration
Hilary Gallito Profile

Hilary Gallito

New Member Director
Katelyn Surrao Profile

Katelyn Surrao

Academic Development Director
Jane Zeltner Profile

Jane Zeltner

Human Resources Director
Zoe Gaillard Profile

Zoe Gaillard

Online Media Director
Angela Deng Profile

Angela Deng

Vice President Finance
Nysa Adurkar Profile

Nysa Adurkar

Vice President Panhellenic
Jenny Bixler Profile

Jenny Bixler

Ruby Simpson Profile

Ruby Simpson

Vice President External Affairs
Cameron Fields Profile

Cameron Fields

Philanthropy Director
Jasmine Kaur Profile

Jasmine Kaur

Vice President Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Khloe Katz Profile

Khloe Katz

Leah Keefe Profile

Leah Keefe

Vice President Membership
Aleisha Colon Soliveras Profile

Aleisha Colon Soliveras

Vice President Operations
Hannah Swimm Profile

Hannah Swimm

Vice President Education

E: ceo.kappaalphatheta@gmail.com

Kappa Alpha Theta Women's Fraternity

3400 N. Charles St
Baltimore MD 21218
United States