Nature, Nurture and Leadership: Weekend of Climate Action and Female Leadership
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Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
There is no mistake that the term "Mother Nature" has stuck for centuries: women are powerfully connected to nature and resonate with the rhythms, cycles, interdependence, and complexities of our ecosystem. When the earth is hurting and depleted, we feel it (on a spectrum from unconsciously to acute awareness) due to our deep connection.
This is largely why this event is so valuable for future female leaders. We will activate the connection to nature, explore environmental issues, and proactively explore how we can contribute to finding and employing solutions. By owning our power, feeling a collective connection, acknowledging what is real and perhaps painful, and taking action to create change, we aim to heal wounds and illness: not only in our larger environment, but also in and between ourselves.
We will depart from Harbor East on Friday, April 14 at 1 pm and go to Thorpewood in Thurmont, MD. Participants are welcome to drive themselves, as well. We have a full schedule upon arrival and until departure on Sunday, April 16 at 12:00 pm. Meals will be provided and participants only need to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and personal items (including clothing, dietary, and medicines). All eating preferences will be considered and accommodated to the best of our ability.