Carey New Student Orientation

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Our mission is (define your mission under group settings)









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Courtney Campbell Profile

Courtney Campbell

Reginia Hawkins Profile

Reginia Hawkins

Elizabeth Matthews Profile

Elizabeth Matthews

Mohammad Ali Alamdar Yazdi Profile

Mohammad Ali Alamdar Yazdi

Katie Pluemer Profile

Katie Pluemer

Victoria Fields Profile

Victoria Fields

Michelle Graham Profile

Michelle Graham

Kerry Johnson Profile

Kerry Johnson

Dan Jang Profile

Dan Jang

Javad Abed Profile

Javad Abed

Emily Davis Profile

Emily Davis

Naser Nikandish Profile

Naser Nikandish

Sikoka Frett Profile

Sikoka Frett

Kevin von Rinteln Profile

Kevin von Rinteln

Michelle Jones Profile

Michelle Jones

Evan Frejo Profile

Evan Frejo

Brandon Achey Profile

Brandon Achey

LaToya Fendrick Profile

LaToya Fendrick

Samella Koroma Profile

Samella Koroma

Joshua Salvi Profile

Joshua Salvi

Heidi Thompson Profile

Heidi Thompson

Changmi Jung Profile

Changmi Jung

Abbie Day Profile

Abbie Day

Wendy Crowley Profile

Wendy Crowley

Komal Dilawari Profile

Komal Dilawari

Judson Garrett Profile

Judson Garrett

Kristin LaRiviere Profile

Kristin LaRiviere

Naser Nikandish Profile

Naser Nikandish

Neruh Ramirez Profile

Neruh Ramirez

Ranetta Hardin Profile

Ranetta Hardin

Michael Tyler Profile

Michael Tyler

Dan Barnhart Profile

Dan Barnhart

Alexis Gorenstein Profile

Alexis Gorenstein

Philippe Homassel Profile

Philippe Homassel

Nicole Mirra Profile

Nicole Mirra

Dylan Rasnick Profile

Dylan Rasnick

Heather Pollak Profile

Heather Pollak


Carey New Student Orientation

3400 N. Charles St
Baltimore MD 21218
United States