Clinical Volunteering and Events

Below are our current clinical opportunity partners!

Keswick Multi-Care Center

Keswick is a multi-care center providing senior living in Baltimore, notably offering residents Assisted Living and Nursing Homes.

Volunteers help coordinate activities for senior residents as well as assist staff in patient support and transportation!

Gilchrist Hospice

Gilchrist is one of Maryland's largest leading non-profits focused on providing serious illness and end-of-life care.

Volunteers participate in various capacities from writting cards and letters and creating art for patients to helping to run their Walk with a Doc Event. We are focused on helping educate and engage city residents on healthy living practices and connecting with patients!

CPR Training (through JHU's HERO)

HERO stands for the Hopkins Emergency Response Organization which is a student-run emergency medical services organization. They focus on providing patient care to the Homewood community. They additionally provide CPR training to individuals and groups.

ABC Health members are organized into groups to be trained by a member of HERO and receive an American Heart Association CPR certification. Members receive free training covered by our organization!

We also facilitate individual clinical volunteering and opportunities!

Visit the ABC Health clinical opportunities document below. It is periodically updated throughout the semester to keep up-to-date information available to members.

    Previous Clinical Partners

    ABC Health has previously partnered with ...

    Chase Brexton Health Care: Click here to learn more about this organization!

    Shepherd's Clinic: Click here to learn more about this organization!

    Mercy Medical Center: Click here to learn more about this organization!

    Centro SOL: Click here to learn more about this organization!