Charm City STEM League

Mentor and Serve the Next Generation of Scientists in Baltimore


About Us

Our Vision: The Charm City STEM League (CCSL) is a JHU program of undergraduate students that envisions a future where every student has the opportunity to explore their passions in STEM, develop skills and confidence to excel in STEM careers, and form beneficial relationships with mentors in their community.

Our Mission: CCSL empowers Baltimore City students to pursue STEM education beyond classroom lessons by engaging students in active learning and scientific inquiry through Science Olympiad, a national STEM competition. We use a unique combination of small group mentoring, engaging community events, and resource services to facilitate student success in STEM. We aim to inspire and instill confidence in young students to explore their passions in science and support their overall academic growth.

About Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad (SO) is a national non-profit organization with similar goals and values in line with CCSL's mission. Science Olympiad has been dedicated to improving STEM education, increasing student interest in science and creating a technologically literate workforce, in order to reach these goals. At Science Olympiad tournaments, which are held at regional, state, and national levels, middle and high school students compete in teams of up to 15 students in a variety of STEM-related events like astronomy, forensics, and engineering design challenges.

Check out our website to learn more about us and how you can get involved!

What We Do

Charm City STEM League partners with over 15 Baltimore City elementary, middle and high school Science Olympiad teams each year. CCSL provides the following support to partner school teachers and students:

  • Weekly mentoring support: CCSL mentors travel to each partner school at least once per week in the Fall and Spring semesters to lead mentoring sessions. Our mentors facilitate hands-on activities and guide student participants to learn new STEM concepts of their choice.
  • Free curriculum resources: Mentors curate free online resources for coaches and students to use throughout the season to prepare for tournaments.
  • Free material kits: CCSL plans, packs and delivers over 100 free material kits to partner schools each year to use during their after school sessions. CCSL also has a lending library of loaner material kits schools can borrow as they dive into different STEM topics of their choosing.
  • Tournament support: CCSL mentors help students prepare for the Baltimore City Regional Competition. Many teams we support move on to compete at the Maryland State Competition. In previous years, our students won over 100 medals at the regional event alone!
  • Community engagement events: CCSL hosts at least one large event each semester to engage Baltimore City students in hands-on STEM. This includes a Build It, Study It (BISI) event in the Fall and an invitational tournament in February.

Where We Serve

End of the year banquet - May 2022

Supporting our teams at Regionals









Our Leadership Team

Aashi Mendpara Profile

Aashi Mendpara

Student Advisor Board Member
Abhishek Das Profile

Abhishek Das

Student Advisor Board Member
Arushi Devgun Profile

Arushi Devgun

Student Advisor Board Member
Jake Rice Profile

Jake Rice

Student Advisor Board Member
Sriesakthi Gowrisankar Profile

Sriesakthi Gowrisankar

Student Advisor Board Member
Tyler Lee Profile

Tyler Lee

Student Advisor Board Member
Ciaran Bubb Profile

Ciaran Bubb

Curriculum & Materials Coordinator
Mason Holmes Profile

Mason Holmes

Communications Coordinator
Adam Luo Profile

Adam Luo

Tournament Coordinator
Amanda Valledor Profile

Amanda Valledor

Professional Staff
Margaret Hart Profile

Margaret Hart



Charm City STEM League

3400 N. Charles St
Baltimore MD 21218
United States