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2022.04.12 GBM #7: Alumni Panel

This Tuesday WiB met with alumni who work in the field of consulting and finance. Thank you to our panelists Kelly, Sarah, Malika and Shilpa - it was incredible to hear about the experiences from these lovely ladies!

Some key takeaways from their advices are:                                            1) Try to take advantage of your time at Hopkins and make as many as memories and experiences you can.                                                      2) Don't be afraid to network and ask questions about their working experiences. People love talking about themselves!                                3) Going into finance and consulting may seem scary, but in the end you will find a place where you belong.

2022.03.06 GBM #3: Resume Workshop x Pi Phi

This Sunday, Women in Business held a successful resume workshop for Pi Phi and other sororities at Hopkins. After Daphne and Ritika gave an overview of good resume practices, we divided into breakout rooms where GBM members and executives gave feedback on sisters' resumes and went over good and bad resumes together.

Thank you for all of you who came and led the conversations in breakout rooms! We hope this was a great opportunity for you all to learn thoroughly about resume writing and develop your leadership skills.

Also, thank you for everyone who came to the workshop and were willing to share your resumes with us! We know that drafting resumes can be challenging, so we hope this was a wonderful chance for you to get tips and advices. We will continue to be here for those of you who aspire to become businesswomen, so feel free to reach out for help or ask any questions (regardless of your member status) :)

2022. 03. 01 GBM #2: Upperclassmen Panel

This Tuesday, Women in Business had an upperclassmen panel event on how to find internships and career opportunities! Our amazing panelists - Talyor, Katherine, Stephanie - shared with us how they found their path in their current industries and secured internships. We hope you all learned a lot from their stories, and feel free to keep in touch with our upperclassmen panelists (contacts in email) :) See you tomorrow in our third GBM x Pi Phi!

2022. 02. 22 GBM #1: Jeopardy / Trivia Night

This Tuesday, JHU Women in Business had the first GBM for the Spring 2022 semester! We had a fun night of trivia where we got to answer questions about our members as well as various industries in business.

Thanks to everyone who came, it was great to see old and new faces! See you all next Tuesday in our second GBM - 'Upperclassmen Networking: How to Find an Internship!'