Heritage 365 Speaker Series featuring TChin, the Storyteller & Flute Musician
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Tchin is a nationally known artist and educator of Indigenous arts and culture. Through oral tradition, he tells stories portraying the creation of the world and how things came to be. In his energizing presentation, Tchin addresses important topics including cultural diversity, music appreciation, and environmental consciousness. These stories have been passed down through generations and illuminate both young and mature minds. Tchin brings the stories alive with his gift of magic. As part of this program, Tchin will perform and explain the seldom seen or heard Native American courting flute.
Indigenous Heritage Celebration is a campus-wide initiative to highlight and celebrate the various Indigenous Heritage cultures on campus, history and their contributions to the world. Events are sponsored by student organizations, faculty members, and a number of offices within the university. Heritage 365 is an ongoing initiative that observes the cultural heritage and history beyond the month and recognizes such heritage month from a year-long format. It encourages partners across campus as well as students think broader in terms of heritage celebration. We continued to recognize and honor each heritage celebration month
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: Center for Student Success