First-Year Student Mentoring Events Announcement
The Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honors Society is excited to announce mentorship events for first year students! We have the following initiatives planned, and if you are a first-year student interested in participating please fill out this Google Form:
a) Study Group Program--To promote collaborative learning and help you meet more of your classmates, we are starting this study group program, where if you fill out this form with classes you are interested in forming a study group for, we will group you with other students who are also interested in forming a study group for the same class.
b) Mentorship Program--We can pair you with a current TBP member in your major as a mentor about Hopkins and engineering, to give advice and answer any questions you have
c) Resume Workshop and Internships/Research Discussion--We will split into breakout rooms on Zoom, where a TBP member in your major can talk about their internship or research experience, give advice on how to find internships/research, help edit your resume, etc.