End of Year Show
Come see our annual spring show - in 2022, for the first time ever we performed on campus as part of JHU's Spring Fair! Videos from our past shows are also available on our Youtube Channel.

All members are encouraged to come to our drop-in weekly AcroYoga to practice partner acrobatics, gain strength, and build flexibility.
Members also have the option to commit to aerial silks, trapeze, and/or lyra classes for 4 weeks at a time at our off-campus practice location or attend a "free trial" event.
We organize day trips during school breaks to a flying trapeze venue in D.C. or to nearby pole studios. We also go to circus performances at local venues.
Club participants who regularly attend AcroYoga and/or Aerial Classes are offered the opportunity to perform in our annual End-of-Year Show.
Everyone is welcome to drop by! We practice all sorts of acrobatic skills, both static and moving. Come learn to be a "base", "flier", "spotter" - or all three!
We meet every Tuesday 8:30-10:30 PM in the Rec Center Room B! When the weather's nice instead we meet outside on the grass 5:30-7:30 for Sunset Acro.
Members can participate in 4-week long introductory aerial sessions run by the coaches of In The Dark Circus Arts. The club offers transportation to Mobtown Ballroom for weekly classes.
Come see our annual spring show - in 2022, for the first time ever we performed on campus as part of JHU's Spring Fair! Videos from our past shows are also available on our Youtube Channel.
We try to organize at least one or two field trips a semester to do or see a type of aerial circus we don't specialize in. See our list of past trips and future plans here.