JHSOM Graduate Student Association

Welcome to the GSA's New Website! Here you will be able to find a wide array of information and resources that we hope will benefit you at every stage of your graduate training at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine!

Please join our official HopkinsGroup Page by clicking the button below! This will give you access to discussion forums, event registrations, important GSA and SOM announcements, and many other features!



Who We Are:

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) represents all Ph.D. and Master's students at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Accordingly, the GSA acts as a liaison between the graduate student body and various University entities to ensure student needs are being fulfilled. The GSA offers many other services that aim to improve graduate student life. Learn more about us and our Mission!

Take advantage of the wonderful amenities we have in our GSA Student Lounge! Scroll to the bottom of the page to learn more.

Curious about what we are up to behind the scenes? Check out our Advocacy Page to learn more about the work your GSA is doing for you!


Our Focus Areas:

Social Events

The GSA hosts numerous social events throughout the year to allow students from different SOM program to meet and connect


The GSA provides funding for student groups and sponsors travel grants to help cover the costs of attending a scientific conference


The GSA brings the ideals and opinions of the graduate students to University administrators, and reciprocally communicates the ideals and standards of the University to students


The GSA serves as a hub for information on all aspects of graduate student life. Check out the Student Resources tab at the top of the page.

Recent GSA and SOM News

We've come to the close of another school year at JHU.

As the 2023-2024 GSA Executive Board finishes up our term of office soon, we wanted to share a review of all that we accomplished together this year with your help!

We'd like to thank all of you for your support and engagement throughout the year! Don't hesitate to reach out with questions or ideas on how GSA can support you in the upcoming academic year. We can't wait to see what next year's GSA team, led by Jiaxin (Scarlett) Ge, has in store. And be on the lookout for one potential last event from your 2023-2024 GSA team.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at gsa@jhmi.edu!

For a complete list of Recent News please check out our News Page.

Group Logo

Jun 7, 2024 - Juliane Liberto

June 2024 Newsletter

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Group Logo

Jun 7, 2024 - Juliane Liberto

MTA Transit Pass Benefit Information

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Group Logo

May 3, 2024 - Juliane Liberto

May 2024 Newsletter

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Mental Health Matters

The mental health of our graduate students is incredibly important to us.

If you need immediate assistance:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:
Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Crisis Text Hotline:
Text "hello" to 741741

If it's an emergency, always dial 911

General Body Meetings

The GSA hosts a monthly GSA general body meeting, open to any SOM graduate students, at 5:00 p.m. the second Wednesday of every month. Meetings are currently in person held at PCTB113.

Come to our meetings to learn about the new and exciting things that are happening (social events, policies, workshops, etc.) and how to get involved with the GSA!

Student Spotlight


Each month, the GSA will be recognizing two graduate students (PhD or MS) who have achieved excellence academically, or in the community!

Winners will receive a $25 gift card and will be featured right here on the GSA website!


Learn More

Click the link above to learn more about the program and how to apply.
Winners will be announced at the GSA general body meetings.


🥳Congratulations to our June 2024 Winner!!­🥳


Noga Mudrik

Biomedical Engineering

She is the first author on "Decomposed Linear Dynamical Systems (dLDS) for learning the latent components of neural dynamics," which was published in the Journal for Machine Learning Research.​


Danielle Smith

Biological Chemistry

Danielle's work defining a novel role of a RabGTPase (Rab30) in fatty acid metabolism has just been accepted into Nature Communications. She’s been a stellar student within the lab and has very successfully mentored rotation students and undergraduate students. She is also a mentor to the younger students, helping immensely with doctoral board exam preparations and also has multiple co-authored papers. Early on in her graduate studies, she was also a recipient of the NSF graduate research fellowship and will be graduating this summer and begin her postdoctoral fellowship at UT Southwestern!​


Need - to - Knows

COVID-19 Updates

The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to be a fluid situation for all of us at Hopkins. Follow the link to learn more about the University's current information and updates on COVID-19.

Learn More

GSA Graduate White Coat Ceremony

The Graduate Coating Ceremony honors Ph.D. candidates who have passed their qualifying exams, transitioning from a Ph.D. student to a Ph.D. candidate. Each coat is embroidered with the student's name and with a graduate student pin affixed, which represents the unity of each of the 16 Johns Hopkins University doctoral programs.

Learn More

GSA Survey Results

Are you interested in the GSA's recent developments? Check out the most recent GSA survey results and read past years reports!

Learn More

The GSA Student Lounge

The GSA Lounge

Located in WBSB G-3, the GSA lounge offers ample seating and tables for students to relax, study, and host events! Come lounge in our comfy couch or even take a nap!

Two Mac Desktop Computers

Provided to the lounge by OGBE, these computers are available free to use! Just make sure you log off when you finish!

Free Printing

We have a free printer, courtesy of OGBE, in the lounge that you can use to print out your assignments and study notes!

Large Whiteboard & Markers

The GSA lounge is equipped with a large whiteboard and markers for you to use to optimize your study time!

Kitchen Amenities

The kitchen contains appliances such as Fridge/Freezer, Keurig, Microwave and much more! Please make sure to clean up after yourself so many can enjoy this space.

GSA Supply Rentals

If you want to borrow some supplies for an event your hosting, the GSA is happy to help. We have supplies such as lawn games, tables, drink coolers and more! Contact our VP of Events for more information!

Contact Us!

E: gsa@jhmi.edu

JHSOM Graduate Student Association

1915 E Madison St
Baltimore MD 21205


All images or content within this website are original or are used with permission under the Creative Commons copyright licenses.

Created by: Juliane Liberto. Page last updated: 06/24