Interested in nominating yourself, or a peer, for an award?

Each month, the GSA will be recognizing two graduate students (PhD or MS) who have achieved excellence academically, or in the community!

Winners will receive a $25 gift card and will be featured right here on the GSA website!

October 2024 Student Spotlight Nominations


The Graduate Student Association is looking to recognize outstanding graduate students in the School of Medicine for their academic and community based accomplishments!


  • Each winner will receive a $25 gift card to either Amazon, Target, or a local Baltimore restaurant
  • Winner will be featured on the GSA website homepage and on social media outlets


  • Publishing a first author research article or review
  • Receiving a grant or scholarship (i.e. F31, NSF, etc.)
  • Taking initiative to improve education, inclusivity and/or student life at the school of medicine
  • Volunteer efforts at Hopkins or in the community

These are suggestions, you are not limited to this list!


  • Must be a current JHU School of Medicine Ph.D. or Masters student
  • Not be a member of the GSA council (Executive board and program representatives)
  • Have not received an award during the current academic year
  • Must consent to being featured on social media and GSA website
  • Achievement must occur during current academic year

Curious about how winners are chosen?

Each month the GSA's Director of Administration sends out an email with the link to the award application! The application cycle is open for the two weeks prior to the next GBM. 
Once the application closes, the Director of Administration anonymizes each response and formats the submissions in a new survey which is sent to the GSA Council (The GSA Executive Board and the GSA Program Representatives). The council votes on the anonymous submissions and the Director of Administration tallys up the votes! The winners are then presented in the upcoming General Body Meeting!

All images or content within this website are original or used with permission under the Creative Commons copyright licenses.

Created by: Juliane Liberto. Page last updated: 04/24