Offices at JHU:

The GSA recently had Dr. Nancy Kass, the Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education talk to us about the Provosts Office.

Browse through the linked slides below to learn about what the Provosts Office is, what functions they serve, and links to important resources for graduate students.

Learn More


Graduate Student Disability Resources:

Register for SDS :

To begin the registration process with Student Disability Services, and to establish eligibility for disability related accommodations and services, please complete and submit the SDS Online Registration Form and upload supporting documentation. Once your form and documentation are received, the next step in the process will be to meet with Kristina Nance, Disabilities Coordinator for PhD and Masters students at the School of Medicine, to discuss your needs and potential accommodations. If you have any difficulty providing documentation or need more information about any aspect of the process, again please contact Kristina Nance in the Office of Graduate Biomedical Education.


Read a full description of the range of services available through the Johns Hopkins University Office of Institutional Equity.
Or for a quick read, check out this short summary presentation deck prepared by Catharine Axe, the JHU Executive Director of Student Disability Services.

NEW! Fall 2022 Accommodation Information Management (AIM)

Students with approved accommodations can request accommodations for the fall by using the AIM student portal and following the Student Guidelines for Requesting Accommodation through AIM. The portal will be accessed using your Hopkins JHED ID and password. Single sign on will work after the first time if you use it.

A person with a disability is defined by Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment.

Accessibility Events and Trainings:

Looking for information on upcoming and previously held Accessibility Events and Trainings? Check out the Accessibility at JHU website!

Important SOM Resources:


If you are in need of a notary public, one is available to you for reduced and sometimes free cost at the Registrar's Office in the Miller Research Building. The notary public is available on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am to 4:30pm.

Voter Registration

The Higher Education Act requires institutions of higher education to provide students with voter registration materials. The SOM also provides information about and has a limited number of forms available in the Registrar's Office to register in Maryland.

The state of Maryland has a website providing information on student eligibility to vote and voter registration applications for download.

Out-of-state residents, please visit this website, and select your state of residence.

Graduation & Convocation

Major student activities coordinated through the Registrar's Office includes the SOM graduation/convocation ceremony and student orientation. For information about commencement and convocation, visit the official website here. For graduation requirements please see your program's specific requirements, as these vary program to program.

Make sure to read the Procedures for the Award of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree current as of January 2022


The Hopkins Travel Page offers information and resources for travelers. There are also two places you should register your international travel:

1. US STEP for enrollment with the government for safety alerts

2. The Hopkins International Travel Registry to assist school administrators in contacting and offering you assistance in the case of emergencies.

Important SOM Links:

  1. Graduate Course Catalog
  2. SOM Policies and Procedures
  3. Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures
  4. Policies from Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
  5. Rights and Responsibilities

All images or content within this website are original or used with permission under the Creative Commons copyright licenses.

Created by: Juliane Liberto. Page last updated: 02/24